Materiality To establish our sustainability priorities, we’ve undertaken a double materiality assessment considering how our business is impacted by sustainability issues (outside-in) and how our activities as an organisation impact society and the environment. In other words, what is material to us and what is material to society and the planet. Core SDGs This assessment has been made using the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), based on their material relevance to Vistra. This identified the following five SDGs as core – meaning they’re key strategic areas of impact, where we can act purposefully and with full control to make a difference. Additional SDGs An additional set of five SDGs were identified as important. While we may feel just as strongly about these, they don’t sit with the core goals because our scope to make an impact is more limited. Within the constraints of what we do as an organisation, these goals are less directly relevant – or further outside our ability to influence directly. Important: By aligning our sustainability strategy to the SDGs, and using the SDG framework to measure progress, we aim to achieve meaningful steps towards addressing these global challenges.