Our approach Last year’s commitments read more read more Our business activities affect the communities where we operate in multiple ways, from the people we hire, the initiatives we participate in, the business activities we undertake and the companies we partner with. As a UK-focused investment manager, we recognise there are limits in what we can achieve in isolation, therefore we look for opportunities to collaborate and influence, as part of a wider community making efforts to change things for the better. Our community-based commitments last year, along with one of our key business objectives, focused on addressing and reducing inequalities. This included planning for more than 90% of Triple Point’s managers to complete I&D training. We also committed to relaunching our Inclusion & Diversity Group to ensure it was well-structured, supported, and had a clear objective. Last year’s commitments Our community-based commitments last year, along with one of our key business objectives, focused on addressing and reducing inequalities. This included planning for more than 90% of Triple Point’s managers to complete I&D training. We also committed to relaunching our Inclusion & Diversity Group to ensure it was well-structured, supported, and had a clear objective. We also wanted to improve our tracking of Modern Slavery exposure and committed to dedicated training on the topic with 100% attendance. We planned to review our catering and office suppliers, switching to B Corp partners wherever possible. We set a target of over 80% of staff volunteer days to be used within the financial year. We also committed to reporting on how our charitable activities aligned with the SDGs and to provide at least four paid internship opportunities through an open application process.