Appendix Principles for Responsible Investment: Finance industry collaboration to drive responsible investment. Signatories since 2019. Diversity Project: A cross-company initiative championing a diverse, equitable and inclusive UK investment and savings industry. Members since 2020. 10,000 Black Interns: Where Black students and graduates realise their potential with paid internships across finance, technology and 25+ other sectors. Participating since 2020. Living Wage Employer: Voluntarily taking a stand to ensure employees can earn a wage which is enough to live on. Accredited since 2021. World Benchmarking Alliance: Building a movement to measure and incentivise business impact towards a sustainable future that works for everyone. Members since 2021. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): Task force to improve and increase reporting of climate-related financial information. Public supporters since 2021. List of signatories