The Paris Agreement: International treaty on climate change adopted by 196 Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21). Public supporters since 2021. Global Investor Statement: The Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis represents nearly $42 trillion in assets under management and seeks to collectively demonstrate the finance industry’s support for government action on climate change. Signatories since 2021. Girls Are Investors (GAIN): Providing opportunities for girls to consider a career in investment management. Participating since 2021. B Corp: Connecting like-minded businesses to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Certified in 2022 with a score of 97.6. Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative: An international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions. Signatories since 2022. Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF): Enabling financial institutions to assess and disclose greenhouse gas emissions associated with financial activities. Signatories since 2022.