Our approach Providing good, affordable, energy efficient homes for individuals and families on social housing waiting lists, including those with care and support needs, is a huge societal challenge across the UK. Private investment working in partnership with Local Authorities and Registered Providers to meet identified housing need is critical to ensuring that this country can take positive steps towards addressing chronic under supply. Last year’s commitments In the 2023 report, we made commitments for continued measurement and reporting against impact objective metrics, with independent impact reporting. We also committed to improving the tracking of modern slavery risks across our supply chain. read more read more read more read more Our approach Providing good, affordable, energy efficient homes for individuals and families on social housing waiting lists, including those with care and support needs, is a huge societal challenge across the UK. Private investment working in partnership with Local Authorities and Registered Providers to meet identified housing need is critical to ensuring that this country can take positive steps towards addressing chronic under supply. Triple Point’s Housing Team is focused on forming long-term relationships with key sector stakeholders to deliver additional good homes. The team manages public and private housing strategies to respond to this need to deliver homes for residents with a range of social needs. Triple Point was an early investor into social housing, we made our first investment in 2015 and since then we have acquired or developed over 490 properties that can provide homes to more than 3,400 individuals. The team’s success is built on an understanding of local authority need and a commitment to delivering good homes that can provide better living opportunities to residents; often specialising in delivering homes adapted for vulnerable adults with long-term care and support needs including mental health issues, learning disabilities, or physical and sensory impairment. The team have developed valuable relationships with registered providers through the shared objective of delivering good, sustainable homes. By taking a long-term approach and developing or acquiring properties that respond to local need, the team has generated strong investment returns while contributing to the public good and saving taxpayers money, while prioritising the well-being of residents. Post the reporting period for this 2024 Blue Book, it was announced by the Board of the Real Estate Investment Trust [ticker: SOHO] that the management of the fund will be transitioned to another investment manager. The team are currently working hard to ensure a smooth and efficient hand over that will best serve residents living in SOHO’s properties, our RP partners and shareholders.For associated consumer facing disclosures, please refer to the Triple Point website These disclosures refer to the Sustainability Disclosure Requirement (SDR). scroll down Last year’s commitments In the 2023 report, we made commitments for continued measurement and reporting against impact objective metrics, with independent impact reporting. We also committed to improving the tracking of modern slavery risks across our supply chain. In any forward funding opportunities, we committed to applying the best practices in new construction. Additionally, we confirmed we would keep rolling out the pilot eco-retrofit programme as part of a broader effort to make sure all Triple Point’s Social Housing properties meet energy efficiency targets. We aim to better understand our residents’ outcomes, without compromising their privacy, and we will keep working to make more information available.