Our approach Our Estate Planning services invest in a number of Lending and Leasing businesses to which the Private Credit team provides origination, due diligence and portfolio management services. The team work closely with Triple Point’s Sustainability team to enhance ESG integration through the businesses the team provide services to. Last year’s commitments In last year’s report, as part of their service provision to the Lending and Leasing businesses, the Private Credit team committed to enhancing the tracking and reporting of key performance indicators (KPIs) for businesses that received loans. This included monitoring employment creation, adherence to the real living wage, implementation of modern slavery prevention measures, actions to measure and reduce carbon emissions, and efforts to increase biodiversity, particularly in new builds funded by the property lending team. Additionally, we committed to boost support for businesses to operate sustainably and provide more support for women-led businesses. read more read more Our approach Our Estate Planning services invest in a number of Lending and Leasing businesses to which the Private Credit team provides origination, due diligence and portfolio management services. The team work closely with Triple Point’s Sustainability team to enhance ESG integration through the businesses the team provide services to. By maintaining our membership in industry forums like the FLA Green Finance Group, the team continue to identify ways to demonstrate responsible finance good practice for the businesses through the portfolio services provided. The team’s financing services don’t just create jobs and boost economic growth but also have potential to contribute to a more sustainable future. On behalf of the Lending and Leasing businesses our Private Credit team work hard to uncover where loans can support businesses that recognise the need for changing behaviours to become more sustainable, and to reject deals which we think directly contradict these efforts and at their worst, result in negative external outcomes for people or planet. To enhance the sustainability credentials of the Lending and Leasing businesses managed by the Private Credit team, the team has collaborated with clients to increase support for women-led businesses and prioritise carbon emission reduction. They are also actively exploring methods to encourage carbon data collection and target setting, and monies are being deployed to an increased number of assets which contribute to the energy transition, such as financing a fleet of electric rapid response ambulances for North West Ambulance Service. For associated consumer facing disclosures, please refer to the Triple Point website These disclosures refer to the Sustainability Disclosure Requirement (SDR). scroll down Last year’s commitments In last year’s sustainability report, the Ventures team made commitments across four key areas: improved data collection and materiality mapping, more support given to companies to understand sustainability, closer collaboration with industry peers to share best practices and drive progress, and improved tracking across sustainable attributes within our portfolio companies. In progressing efforts on materiality mapping, our focus on data collection has moved away from a single pre-defined list of metrics to metrics we consider most relevant to each company while maintaining a focus on founder wellbeing and those with diverse leadership. We also continue to consider payment of living wage, attention to modern slavery risk and carbon accounting as topics relevant for all and good indicators of readiness for growth, in addition to aligning with Triple Point’s sustainability goals.